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Bar-On, A. (Ed.) & Ravid, D. (Ed.) (2018). Handbook of Communication Disorders. Theoretical, empirical, and applied linguistics perspectives. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
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Smolka, E. & Ravid, D. (Eds.). (2019). What is a verb? – Linguistic, psycholinguistic and developmental perspectives on verbs in Germanic and Semitic languages. The Mental Lexicon, 14(2).
Ashkenazi, O., Ravid, D., & Aksu-Koc, A. (Topic Editors) (2023). Morpho-lexical development in language acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology
Sandra, D., Plag, I., & Ravid. D. (Topic Editors). (2024). The role of morphology in spelling performance and spelling errors. Morphology.
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Ravid, D. (1997a). Review of W. Chafe’s discourse, consciousness and time. Applied Psycholinguistics, 18, 373-378.
Ravid, D. (1997b). Morphological development a duo: Pre- and proto-morphology in the language of Hebrew-speaking twins. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, 33, 79-102.
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Ravid, D. & Avidor, A. (1998). Acquisition of derived nominals in Hebrew: Developmental and linguistic principles. Journal of Child Language, 25, 229-266.
Ravid, D. & Hanauer, D. (1998). A prototype theory of rhyme: Evidence from Hebrew. Cognitive Linguistics, 9, 79-106.
Ashkenazi, O. & Ravid, D. (1998). Children’s understanding of linguistic humor: An aspect of metalinguistic awareness. Current Psychology of Cognition, 17, 367-387.
Strauss, S., D. Ravid, Magen, N. & Berliner, D. (1998). Relations between teachers’ subject matter knowledge, teaching experience, and their mental models of children’s minds and learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14, 579-595.
Shlesinger, I. & Ravid, D. (1998). The double compound in Modern Hebrew: redundancy or an independent existence? Hebrew Linguistics, 43, 85-97. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (1999). On the essence of derived nominals in Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Linguistics, 45, 61-78. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Farah, R. (1999). Learning about noun plurals in early Palestinian Arabic. First Language, 19, 187-206.
Berman, R.A. & Ravid, D. (2000). Acquisition of Israeli Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic: A review of current research. Hebrew Studies, 41, 7-22.
Ravid, D. & Malenky, A. (2001). Awareness of linear and nonlinear morphology in Hebrew: A developmental study. First Language, 21, 25-56.
Ravid, D. (2001). Learning to spell in Hebrew: Phonological and morphological factors. Reading and Writing, 14, 459-485.
Levin, I., Ravid, D. & Rappaport, S. (2001). Morphology and spelling among Hebrew-speaking children: From kindergarten to first grade. Journal of Child Language, 28, 741-769.
Alfi-Shabtay & Ravid, D. (2001). Non-native knowledge in a second language: The case of the passive. Script, 2, 77-101. [in Hebrew]
Shany, M., Zeiger, T. & Ravid, D. (2001). Development and validation of diagnostic tools for assessing basic processes in reading and spelling. Script, 2, 167-203. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Shlesinger, Y. (2001). Vowel reduction in Modern Hebrew: Traces of the past and current variation. Folia Linguistica, 35, 3-4, 371-397.
Ravid, D., van Hell, J., Rosado, E., & Zamora, A. (2002). Subject NP patterning in the development of text production: Speech and writing. Written Language and Literacy, 5, 69-94.
Strömqvist, S., Johansson, V., Kriz, S., Ragnarsdóttir, H., Aisenman, R., & Ravid, D. (2002). Toward a cross-linguistic comparison of lexical quanta in speech and writing. Written Language and Literacy, 5, 4568.
Ravid, D. & Tolchinsky, L. (2002a). Developing linguistic literacy: A comprehensive model. Journal of Child Language, 29, 419-448.
Ravid, D. & L. Tolchinsky. (2002b). Investigating literacy development and language acquisition: Reply to commentaries on ‘Developing linguistic literacy: A comprehensive model’. Journal of Child Language, 29, 489-494.
Ravid, D. (2002). The emergence of modality adaptation skills in expository text production. Balshanut Ivrit, Jubilee Issue 50, 95-120. [In Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (2002). Spelling errors in Hebrew: A developmental perspective. Megamot, 32, 29-57. [In Hebrew]
Ravid, D., Olshtain, E., & Ze’elon, R. (2003). Gradeschoolers’ linguistic and pragmatic speech adaptation to native and non-native interlocution. Journal of Pragmatics 35, 71-99.
Ravid, D., Landau, H., & Lovetski, M. (2003). Passive morphology in the school years: An example of later language acquisition. Script 5-6, 129-158. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Zilberbuch, S. (2003a). Morpho-syntactic constructs in the development of spoken and written Hebrew text production. Journal of Child Language, 30, 395-418, 2003.
Ravid, D. & Zilberbuch, S. (2003b). The development of complex nominals in expert and non-expert writing: A comparative study. Pragmatics and Cognition 11.2, 267-297.
Ravid, D. & Hayek, L. (2003). Learning about different ways of expressing number in the development of Palestinian Arabic. First Language, 23, 41-63.
Ravid, D. & Kubi, E. (2003). What is a spelling error? The discrepancy between perception and reality. Faits de Langue, 22, 87-98.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2004). Learning to represent vowels in written Hebrew: Different factors across development. First Language, 24, 185-208.
Schiff, R. & Ravid, D. (2004a). Vowel representation in written Hebrew: phonological, orthographic and morphological contexts. Reading and Writing, 17, 245-265.
Schiff, R. & Ravid, D. (2004b). Representing written vowels in university students with dyslexia compared with normal Hebrew readers. Annals of Dyslexia, 54, 39-64.
Haim, O., Strauss, S., & Ravid, D. (2004). Relations between EFL teachers’ formal knowledge of grammar and their in-action mental models of children’s minds and learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20, 8, 861-880.
Ravid, D. & Cahana-Amitay, D. (2005). Verbal and nominal expression in narrating conflict situations in Hebrew. Journal of Pragmatics, 37, 157-183.
Ravid, D. & Bar-On, A. (2005). Manipulating written Hebrew roots across development: The interface of semantic, phonological and orthographic factors. Reading & Writing, 18, 231-256.
Ravid, D. & Haimowitz, S. (2006). The vowel path: Learning about vowel representation in written Hebrew. Written Language and Literacy, 9 (1), 67-93.
Ravid, D. & Berman, R. A. (2006). Information density in the development of spoken and written narratives in English and Hebrew. Discourse Processes, 41 (2), 117-149.
Gillis, S. & Ravid, D. (2006). Typological effects on spelling development: a crosslinguistic study of Hebrew and Dutch. Journal of Child Language, 33 (3), 621-659.
Tannenbaum, M., Abugov, N., & Ravid, D. (2006). Bonding in narratives of ultra-orthodox Jewish girls. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 27, 472-490.
Ravid, D. (2006a). Word-level morphology: A psycholinguistic perspective on linear formation in Hebrew nominals. Morphology, 16, 127-148.
Ravid, D. (2006b). Semantic development in textual contexts during the school years: Noun Scale analyses. Journal of Child Language, 33, 791-821.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2006a). Roots and patterns in Hebrew language development: evidence from written morphological analogies. Reading and Writing, 19, 789-818.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2006b). Morphological abilities in Hebrew-speaking gradeschoolers from two socio-economic backgrounds: An analogy task. First Language, 26, 381-402.
Laaha, S., Ravid, D., Korecky-Kröll, K., Laaha, G., & Dressler, W.U. (2006). Early noun plurals in German: Regularity, productivity, or default? Journal of Child Language, 33 (2), 271-302.
Ravid, D., Vered-Leybovitch, T., & Gino-Rodin, A. (2006). NPs in children’s books: a developmental psycholinguistic perspective. Chelkat Lashon, 37-38, 187-203 [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Epel Mashraki, Y. (2007). Prosodic reading, reading comprehension and language skills in Hebrew-speaking 4th graders. Journal of Research in Reading, 30, 2, 140-156.
Schiff, R. & Ravid, D. (2007). Morphological analogies in Hebrew-speaking university students with dyslexia compared with typically developing gradeschoolers. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 36, 3, 237-253.
Tannenbaum, M., Abugov, N., & Ravid, D. (2007). Linguistic patterns in narratives of ultra-orthodox girls. Pragmatics and Cognition, 15 (2), 347–378.
Nir-Sagiv, B., Sternau, M., Berman, R.A., & Ravid, D. (2008). The development of language registers in school age as a diagnostic across genres and modalities. Literacy and Language 1, 71-103 [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2009). Morpho-phonological categories of noun plurals in Hebrew: A developmental study. Linguistics, 47 (1), 45-63.
Ravid, D. & Berman, R.A. (2009). Developing linguistic register in different text types. Pragmatics & Cognition, 17, 108–145.
Ravid, D. & Hora, A. (2009). From implicit to explicit language knowledge in intervention: Introduction to the special issue on Intervention and Meta-language. First Language. 29(1), 5–14.
Ravid, D. & Geiger, V. (2009). Promoting morphological awareness in Hebrew-speaking gradeschoolers: An intervention study using linguistic humor. First language, 29(1), 81–112.
Segall, O., Nir-Sagiv, B., Kishon-Rabin, L., & Ravid, D. (2008). Prosodic patterns in Hebrew child directed speech. Journal of Child Language, 35, 1-28.
Ravid, D. & Doron-Geller, D. (2009). Development of conditional sentences in Hebrew child language: an experimental study. Literacy and Language, 2, 55-78. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Levie, R. (2010). Adjectives in the development of text production: Lexical, morphological and syntactic analyses. First Language, 30, 27-55.
Ravid, D. & Berman, R.A. (2010). Developing noun phrase complexity at school-age: A text-embedded cross-linguistic analysis. First Language, 30, 3–26.
Berman, R.A. & Ravid, D. (2010). Interpretation and recall of proverbs in three pre-adolescent populations. First Language, 30, 155-173.
DeKeyser, R., Alfi-Shabtay, I. & Ravid, D. (2010). Cross-linguistic evidence for the nature of age effects in second language acquisition. Applied Psycholinguistics, 31, 413–438.
Schiff, R., Ravid, D. & Levy-Shimon, S. (2011). Children’s command of plural and possessive marking on Hebrew nouns: A comparison of obligatory vs. optional inflections. Journal of Child Language, 38, 433– 454.
Bar-On, A. & Ravid, D. (2011). Morphological decoding in Hebrew pseudowords: a developmental study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32, 553–581.
Berman, R.A., Nayditz, R., & Ravid, D. (2011). Linguistic diagnostics of written texts in two school-age populations. Written Language & Literacy 14, 161-187.
Ravid, D. (2011). The emergence of the verb category in Hebrew: A new psycholinguistic perspective. Language and Lieracy, 3, 131-160. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (2012). Phono-morpho-orthographic construal: The view from spelling. Invited commentary on R. Frost’s A universal theory of reading, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 263–329.
Ravid, D. & Egoz-Libshtein, T. (2012). Mental verbs in the Hebrew lexicon. Chelkat Lashon, 38, 224-241. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2012). From dichotomy to divergence: Number/gender marking on Hebrew nouns and adjectives across school age. Language Learning, 62, 133-169.
Schiff, D. & D. Ravid. (2012). Linguistic processing in Hebrew-speaking children from low and high SES backgrounds. Reading & Writing, 25, 1427-1448.
Saiegh-Haddad, E., Hadieh, A., & Ravid, D. (2012). Acquiring noun plurals in Palestinian Arabic: Morphology, familiarity, and pattern frequency. Language Learning, 62, 1024-1051.
Schiff, R. & Ravid, D. (2013). Morphological processing in Hebrew-speaking reading-disabled students. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46, 220-229.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2013). Different perspectives on the interface of dyslexia and language: Introduction to the special LLD issue on Dyslexia and Language. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46, 195199.
Ravid, D., Bar-On, A. & Dattner, E. (2014). Linguistics in the service of communications disorders: New frontiers. AILA Review, 26, 79-99.
Abugov, N. & Ravid, D. (2014). The impact of Israeli Hebrew on Yiddish: noun plurals in Sanz Ultra Orthodox Yiddish. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 226, 189–211.
Uziel-Karl, U., Kanaan, F., Abugov, N., Yifat, R., Meir, I., & Ravid, D. (2014). Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic in Israel: Linguistic frameworks and SLP services. Special issue on “Global issues in language disorders: Processes, frameworks and policies“, Topics in Language Disorders, 34, 133–154.
Tribushinina, E., Van den Bergh, H., Ravid, D., Aksu-Koç, A., Kilani-Schoch, M., Korecky-Kröll, K., Leibovitch-Cohen, I., Laaha, S., Nir, B., Dressler W.U. and Gillis, S. (2014). The first year of adjectives: A growth curve analysis of child speech and parental input. Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 5:2,185–226.
Schwartz, M., Nir, B., Leikin, M., Levie, R. & Ravid, D. (2014). Acquisition of noun plurals among early sequential Russian-Hebrew speaking bilinguals: A longitudinal multiple case study. Heritage Language Journal, 11(2), 151-185.
Ravid, D. & Chen-Djemal, Y. (2015). Spoken and written narration in Hebrew: A case study. Written Language and Literacy, 18:1, 56-81.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2015). It’s all about gender: Hebrew speakers’ processing of plural agreement morphology. Morphology, 25, 327–343.
Schiff, R., Ravid, D., & Gur, A. (2015). Morpho-syntactic load in judging adjective plural agreement: comparing adults with and without ADD. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36(2), 79–89.
Schiff, R., Cohen, M., Ben-Artzi, E., Sasson, A., & Ravid, D. (2016). Auditory morphological knowledge among children with developmental dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading, 20:2, 140-154.
Ashkenazi, O., Ravid, D., & Gillis, S. (2016). Breaking into the Hebrew verb system: a learning problem. First Language, 36, 505 –524.
Ravid, D., Bar-On, A., Levie, R. & Douani, O. (2016). Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphology. The Mental Lexicon, 11, 401–428.
Brandes, G., & Ravid, D. (2016). A developmental study of prepositional phrases in Hebrew written text construction. First Language, 35, 1–37.
Bar-On, A., Dattner, E., & Ravid, D. (2017). Context effects on heterophonic-homography resolution in learning to read Hebrew. Reading and Writing, 30, 463–487.
Levie, R., Ben Zvi, G. & Ravid, D. (2017). Morpho-lexical development in language-impaired and typically developing Hebrew-speaking children from two SES backgrounds. Reading and Writing, 30, 1035–1064.
Ravid, D., & Vered, L. (2017). Hebrew verbal passives in Later Language Development: The interface of register and verb morphology. Journal of Child Language, 44(6), 1309-1336.
Brandes, G., & Ravid, D. (2019). The development of adverbial clause functions in Hebrew narrative and expository writing across adolescence. Written Language and Literacy, 22(1), 130-158.
Levie, R., Dattner, E., Zwilling, R., Rosenstein, H., Eitan Stanzas, S., & Ravid, D. (2019). Complexity and density of Hebrew verbs in preschool peer talk: The effect of SES background. The Mental Lexicon, 14(2), 235-271.
Smolka, E., & Ravid, D. (2019). What is a verb? Linguistic, psycholinguistic and developmental perspectives on verbs in Germanic and Semitic languages. Introduction to the Special issue, The Mental Lexicon, 14(2), 187-186.
Dattner, E., Kertes, L., Zwilling, R., & Ravid, D. (2019). Usage patterns in the development of Hebrew grammatical subjects. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 129, 1-28.
Ashkenazi, O., Gillis, S., & Ravid, D. (2020). input-output relations in the early acquisition of Hebrew verbs. Journal of Child Language, 47, 509-532.
Levie, R., Ashkenazi, O., Eitan Stanzas, S., Zwilling, R., Raz, E., Hershkovitz, L., & Ravid, D. (2020). The route to the derivational verb family in Hebrew: A psycholinguistic study of acquisition and development. Morphology, 30(1), 1-60.
Schiff, R., Rosenshtok, S., & Ravid, D. (2020) Morpho-orthographic complexity in affix spelling in Hebrew: A novel psycholinguistic outlook across the school years. Frontiers Psychology, 11:868.
Ravid, D., & Schiff, R. (2021). Judging Hebrew adjective agreement across development: Syntactic and morpho-syntactic awareness. Reading & Writing, 34, 1, 1–25.
Dattner, E., Levie, R., & Ravid, D., and Ashkenazi, O. (2021). Patterns of adaptation in child-directed and child speech in the emergence of Hebrew verbs. Frontiers in Psychology 4266.
Haim, L. & Ravid, D. (2022). The language of school writing: A developmental comparison of genres across the school years. Special issue of Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie in honour of Steven Gillis, 27, 91-135.
Dattner, E., Ashkenazi, O., Ravid, D., & Levie, R. (2023). Explaining dynamic morphological patterns in acquisition using Network Analysis. Morphology, 33(4), 511-556.
Schiff, R., Levy-Shimon, S., Sasson, A., Kimel, E., & Ravid, D. (2023). Multiple dimensions of affix spelling complexity: analyzing the performance of children with dyslexia and typically developing controls. Reading and Writing, 36(9), 2373-2407.
Dattner, E., & Ravid, D. (2023). The development of Hebrew zero and pronominal subject realization in the context of first and second person. Journal of Child Language, 1-27. doi:10.1017/S030500092200068X
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Ravid, D. (1998). Diminutive –i in early child Hebrew: an initial analysis. In S. Gillis (ed.) Studies in the acquisition of number and diminutive marking (pp. 149-174). Antwerp: Antwerp University Press.
Levin I., Ravid, D., & Rappaport, S. (1999). Developing morphological awareness and learning: A two-way street. In T. Nunes (Ed.), Learning to read: An integrated view from research and practice (pp. 77-104). Amsterdam: Kluwer.
Strauss, S., Ravid, D., Zelcer, H., & Berliner, D.C. (1999). Relations between teachers’ subject matter knowledge about written language and their mental models about children’s learning. In T. Nunes (Ed.), Learning to read: An integrated view from research and practice (pp. 259-282). Amsterdam: Kluwer.
Ravid, D., Avivi-Ben Zvi, G., & Levie, R. (1999). Derivational morphology in SLI children: structure and semantics of Hebrew nouns. In M. Perkins & S. Howard (Eds.), New directions in language development and disorders (pp. 39-49). New York: Plenum.
Ravid, D. & Y. Shlesinger. (1999). Modern Hebrew adverbials: Between syntactic class and lexical category. In E. Contini-Morava & Y. Tobin (Eds.), Grammatical categories (pp. 333-351). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. (1999). The consolidation of Hebrew orthographic perception in gradeschoolers: a theoretical model and empirical testing. In O. (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, S. Blum-Kulka & E. Olshtain (Eds.), The Raphael Nir book: Studies in communication, linguistics and language instruction (pp. 411-428). Jerusalem: Carmel. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Nir, M. (2000). On the development of the category of adjective in Hebrew. In M. Beers, B. van den Bogaerde, G. Bol, J. de Jong, & C. Rooijmans (Eds.), From sound to sentence: Studies on first language acquisition (pp. 113-124). Groningen: Center for Language and Cognition.
Cahana-Amitay, D., & Ravid, D. (2000). Optional bound morphology in the development of text production. In S.C. Howell, S.A. Fish & T. Keith-Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Vol. I (pp. 176-184). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Gillis, S., & Ravid, D. (2001). Language-specific effects on the development of written morphology. In S. Bendjaballah and W. U. Dressler (Eds.), Morphology 2000 (pp. 129-136). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. & Zilberbuch, S. (2001). Complex nominal constructions in encyclopedic texts: linguistic and developmental aspects. In O. R. Schwarzwald & R. Nir (Eds.), The Ben-Zion Fischler book: Studies in Hebrew and language teaching in honor of Ben-Zion Fischler (pp. 245-263). Tel Aviv: Reches. [in Hebrew].
Ravid, D., Levie, R., & Avivi Ben-Zvi, G. (2002). The role of language typology in linguistic development: Implications for the study of language disorders. In Y. Levy & J. Schaeffer (Eds.), Language competence across populations: Toward a definition of SLI (pp. 183-207).Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Ravid, D. & Gillis, S. (2002) Teachers’ perception of spelling patterns and children’s spelling errors: A cross-linguistic perspective. In M. Neef, A. Neijt and R. Sproat (Eds.) (pp. 71-95). Consistency in writing systems. Tübingen: Niemeyer Verlag.
Ravid, D. (2002). Language and literacy in the transition from kindergarten to first grade. In P. Klein (Ed.), Language and literacy in early childhood (pp. 43-70). Tel Aviv University: Ramot. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (2003). A developmental perspective on root perception in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic. In Y. Shimron (Ed.), Language processing and acquisition in languages of Semitic, root-based morphology (pp. 293-319). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. & Berman, R.A. (2003). Speaking and writing about conflict situation throughout adolescence: A multi-dimensional narrative analysis. In Y. Shlesinger & M. Muchnik (Eds.) The Ilash book (pp. 278-293). Jerusalem: Tsiv’onim. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Berman, R.A. (2003). On modeling information density in narrative texts. In Luuk Lagerwerf, Wilbert Spooren, and Liesbeth Degand (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2003: Determination of Information and Tenor in Texts (pp. 17-35). Münster, Germany: Nodus Publikationen,
Ravid, D., Levie, R., & Avivi-Ben Zvi, G. (2003). Morphological disorders. In L. Verhoeven and Hans van Balkom (Eds.), Classification of developmental language disorders (pp. 235-260). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
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Ravid, D. (2004). Later lexical development in Hebrew: derivational morphology revisited. In R.A. Berman (Ed.) Language development across childhood and adolescence: Psycholinguistic and crosslinguistic perspectives (pp. 53-82). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. (2005a). Emergence of linguistic complexity in written expository texts: Evidence from later language acquisition. In D. Ravid & H. Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (Eds.) Perspectives on language and language development (pp. 337-355). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Ravid, D. (2005b). Hebrew orthography and literacy. In R.M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (Eds.), Handbook of orthography and literacy (pp. 339-363). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Hora, A., Avivi-Ben Zvi, G., Levie, R., & Ravid, D. (2006). Acquiring diminutive structures and meanings in Hebrew: an experimental study. In I. Savickiene & W.U. Dressler (Eds.) The acquisition of diminutives (pp. 295-317). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ravid, D., & Saban, R. (2008). Syntactic and meta-syntactic skills in the school years: A developmental study in Hebrew. In I. Kupferberg & A. Stavans )Eds.(, Language education in Israel: Papers in Honor of Elite Olshtain (pp. 75-110). Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Ravid, D., Dressler, W.U. Nir-Sagiv, B., Korecky-Kröll, K., Souman, A., Rehfeldt, K., Laaha, S., Bertl, J., Basbøll, H., & Gillis, S. (2008). Core morphology in child directed speech: Crosslinguistic corpus analyses of noun plurals. In Heike Behrens (Ed.), Trends in Corpus Research (Finding structure in data) (pp. 25-60). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Berman, R.A. & Ravid, D. (2008). Analyzing narrative informativeness in speech and writing. In A. Tyler, Y. Kim, & M. Takada (Eds.), Language in the context of use: Cognitive approaches to language and language learning (pp. 79-101). Mouton de Gruyter: The Hague.
Berman, R.A. & Ravid, D. (2008). Becoming a literate language user: Oral and written text construction across adolescence. In David R. Olson and Nancy Torrance (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of literacy (pp. 92-111). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ravid, D. & Farah, R. (2009). Noun plurals in early Palestinian Arabic: A longitudinal case study. In Ursula Stephany and Maria D. Voeikova (Eds.), Development of nominal inflection in first language acquisition: A cross-linguistic perspective (pp. 411-432). Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter.
Ravid, D., Dromi, E. &. Kotler, P. (2009). Linguistic complexity in school-age text production: Expository vs. mathematical discourse. In Marilyn A. Nippold & Cheryl M. Scott (Eds.), Expository discourse in children, adolescents, and adults: Development and disorders (pp. 125-156). NY: Psychology Press.
Ravid, D. (2011). Writing morpho(phono)logy: the psycholinguistics of Hebrew spelling. In D. Aram & O. Korat (Eds.), Literacy and language (pp. 190-210). Jerusalem: Magnes [in Hebrew]
Alfi-Shabtay, I. & Ravid, D. (2012). Adjective inflection in Hebrew: A psycholinguistic study of speakers of Russian, English and Arabic compared with native Hebrew speakers. In M. Leikin, M. Schwarts and Y. Tobin, (Eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism. Cognitive and Socio-linguistic Perspectives (pp. 159-178). New York: Springer.
Ravid, D. & Braun, A. (2012). Semantic aspects of the acquisition of compounds in Hebrew. In M. Muchnik and T. Sadan (Eds.), Studies in Modern Hebrew and Judaic languages (pp. 274-288). Jerusalem: Carmel. [in Hebrew]
Abugov, N. & Ravid, D. (2013). Assessing Yiddish plurals in acquisition: impacts of bilingualism. In Mueller Gathercole V. C. (Ed.), Bilinguals and Assessment: State of the art guide to issues and solutions from around the world (pp. 90-110). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Ravid, D. (2013). Syntactic complexity in discourse production across different text types. In Catherine Bolly & Liesbeth Degand (Eds.), Across the line of speech and writing variation. Corpora and language in use (pp. 51-66). Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain
Ravid, D. & Ginat-Heimann, G. (2014). L1 and L2 proficiency in Hebrew-English adolescent learners. In Adelheid Hu & Patrick Grommes (Eds.), Plurilingual education: Policies – practice – language development (pp. 221-246). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Abugov, N. & Ravid, D. (2014). Noun plurals in Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Yiddish: a psycholinguistic perspective. In Aptroot, M. & Hansen, B. (Eds.), Yiddish language structures (pp. 9-39). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
Ravid, D., Naoum, D., & Nasser, S. (2014). Narrative development in Palestinian Arabic. In Saiegh-Haddad, E. & Joshi, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Arabic literacy: Insights and perspectives (pp. 153-170). Dordrecht: Springer.
Levie, R., Ravid, D., Freud, T., & Most, T. (2014). Spelling abilities in Hebrew-speaking children with hearing impairment. In Arfé, B., Dockrell, J., & Berninger, W. V. (Eds.) Writing development in children with hearing loss, dyslexia or oral language problems: Implications for assessment and instruction (pp. 70-84). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ravid, D., Shalom,T., Dattner, E., Katzenberger I., & Sha’ashua, G. (2015). Top-down measures in 7th grade writing: the effects of genre and SES. In Joan Perera Parramon, Elisa Isabel Rosado Villegas, Melina Aparici and Nayme Daniela Salas (Eds.), Written and spoken language development across the lifespan: Essays in honor of Liliana Tolchinsky (pp. 345-359). New York: Springer.
Brandes, G. & Ravid, D. (2016). Prepositional phrases as manner adverbials in the development of Hebrew L1 text production. In L. Ortega, A. E. Tyler, H. I. Park & M. Uno (Eds.), The usage-based study of language learning and multilingualism (pp. 55-74). Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Ravid, D., Ashkenazi, O., Levie, R., Ben Zadok, G., Grunwald, T., Bratslavsky, R., & Gillis, R. (2016). Foundations of the root category: analyses of linguistic input to Hebrew-speaking children. In R.A Berman (Ed.), Acquisition and development of Hebrew: From infancy to adolescence (pp. 95-134). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ravid, D. & Assulin Tzabar, N. (2017). Compounding in early child speech: Hebrew peer talk 2-8. In Wolfgang U. Dressler, F. Nihan Ketrez and Marianne Kilani Schoch (Eds.), Nominal compound acquisition (pp. 251-274). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. & Zimmerman, A. (2017). Maternal input at 1;6: A comparison of two mothers from different SES backgrounds. In Nihan Ketrez, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek (Eds.), Social environment and cognition in language development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç (pp. 35-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
DeKeyser, R., Alfi-Shabtay, I., Ravid, D., & Shi, Meng. (2017). The role of salience in the acquisition of Hebrew as a second language: Interaction with age of acquisition. In Susan M. Gass, Patti Spinner and Jennifer Behney (Eds.), Salience in second language acquisition (pp. 131-146). NY: Routledge.
Ravid, D. & Hershkovitz, L. (2017). The development of Hebrew conjunct constructions in narration. In Eliane Segers and Paul van den Broek (Eds.) Developmental perspectives in written language and literacy. In honor of Ludo Verhoeven (pp. 119-135). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ravid, D. (2019a). Derivation. In Ruth A. Berman (Ed.), Usage-based studies in Modern Hebrew: Background, morpho-lexicon, and syntax (pp. 203-265). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ravid, D. (2019b). First–language acquisition of morphology. In R. Lieber (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ravid, D., Keuleers, E., & Dressler, W. U. (2020). Emergence and early development of lexicon and morphology. In W.U. Dressler, I. Plag and V. Pirrelli (Eds.), Word knowledge and word usage (pp. 582 – 622). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Ravid, D. (2021). Commentaries. In G. Libben, G. Jarema and V. Kupermann, (Eds.), Polylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions (pp. 27-28, 75-78, 124-126, 229231). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ravid, D., Bar-On, A., Levie, R., and Douani, O. (2021). Chapter 5. Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective Subjective register and morphology. In G. Libben, G. Jarema and V. Kupermann (Eds.), Polylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions (pp. 109-141). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ravid, D. (1990). Watching and learning – Part I, phonology. Series for the matriculation examinations. Tel Aviv: Educational TV. [in Hebrew]
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Ravid, D. & Katzenberger, I. (1999). Global text evaluation. In R. Aisenman (Ed.), Working papers in developing literacy across genres, modalities and languages, Vol. I. Tel Aviv University.
Berman, R.A. & Ravid, D. (1999). The oral/literate continuum: Developmental perspectives. Final Report, the Israel Science Foundation.
Ravid, D. & Tolchinsky, L. (2000). Developing linguistic literacy: A comprehensive model. In M. Aparici, N. Algerich, J. Perera, E. Rosado & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Working papers in developing literacy across genres, modalities, and languages (pp. 1-29). Vol. III. Barcelona: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, Universitat de Barcelona.
Ravid, D. (2000). NP complexity in the development of text writing. In M. Aparici, N. Algerich, J. Perera, E. Rosado & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Working papers in developing literacy across genres, modalities, and languages, Vol. III (pp. 163-170.). Barcelona: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació, Universitat de Barcelona.
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Ravid, D. & Berman, R.A. (2003). Final report to the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education. Developing register and written discourse style in Hebrew text production. [in Hebrew]
DeKeyser, Robert (University of Pittsburgh), & Ravid, D., & Alfi-Shabtay, I. (Tel-Aviv University) (2003). Acquisition of English or Hebrew by Russian immigrants. Final Report to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA.
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Kaplan, D. & Ravid, D. (2007). The relationship among book reading, language knowledge and reading comprehension. Final report to the Librarian Center. [in Hebrew]
Beman, R.A., Ravid, D., & Nippold, M. (2007). Developing language and discourse abilities in Preadolescence: A cross-linguistic study of different populations. [grant no. 2003-044] final scientific report submitted to: United-States Israel Binational Foundation [BSF]
Ravid, D. & Shalom, T. (2012). The Standards report. Final report to Yad Hanadiv (Rothschild Fund). Tel Aviv: CET and Tel Aviv University. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2012). Syntactic and morphological factors in adjective inflection across the school years. Final report to The Israel Science Foundation.
Ravid, D. & Schiff, R. (2013). Learning to spell homophonous root letters in elementary school students of different abilities. Final report to the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (2013). The child as linguist. Final report to The Israel Science Foundation.
Ravid, D., & Haim, L. (2016). Development of syntactic resources in school children with different language abilities. Final report to the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education. [in Hebrew]
Ravid, D. (2018). The acquisition of verb roots. Final report to The Israel Science Foundation.
Ravid, D. (2022). The acquisition of derivational verb families. Final report to The Israel Science Foundation.